For a completely up-to-date list, please check my Google Scholar profile.


Alston, J.M., C.H. Fleming, M.J. Noonan, M.A. Tucker, I. Silva, C. Folta, T.S. Akre, A.H. Ali, J.L. Belant, D. Beyer, N. Blaum, R. Cunha de Paula, J. Dekker, J. Drescher-Lehman, N. Farwig, C. Fichtel, C. Fischer, A.T. Ford, R. Janssen, F. Jeltsch, P. Kappeler, S. LaPoint, A.C. Markham, E.P. Medici, R. Morato, R. Nathan, K. Olson, B.D. Patterson, T. Petroelje, E. Esterci Ramalho, S. Rösner, L.G.R.O. Santos, D.G. Schabo, N. Selva, A. Sergiel, O. Spiegel, W. Ullmann, F. Zieba, T. Zwijacz-Kozica, G. Wittemyer, W.F. Fagan, T. Müller, and J.M. Calabrese. Clarifying space use concepts in ecology: range vs. occurrence distributions. Preprint

Hollins, J., N. Hussey, L. Harris, J.-S. Moore, C.H. Fleming, J.M. Calabrese, M.J. Noonan, W.F. Fagan, J.M. Alston, B. Malley. Home range spillover in habitats with impassable boundaries: causes, biases, and corrections using Autocorrelated Kernel Density Estimation. Preprint


Rooney, B. R. Kays, M.V. Cove, A. Jensen, B.R. Goldstein, C. Pate, P. Castiblanco, 279 other coauthors including J.M. Alston and M. Mercer†, and W.J. McShea. 2024. SNAPSHOT USA 2019–2023: the first five years of data from a coordinated camera trap survey of the United States. Global Ecology and Biogeography, in press.


Burton, A.C., C. Beirne, K. Gaynor, C. Sun, A. Granados, 216 others including J.M. Alston, and R. Kays. 2024. Mammal responses to global changes in human activity vary by trophic group and landscape. Nature Ecology and Evolution 8:924-935. Link

Kays, R.W., M.H. Snider, G. Hess, M.V. Cove, A.J. Jensen, H. Shamon, W.J. McShea, B. Rooney, 107 others including J.M. Alston. 2024. Climate, food, and humans predict mammal communities in the United States. Diversity and Distributions 30: e13900. Link


Alston, J.M.*, C.H. Fleming*, R. Kays, J.P. Streicher, C.T. Downs, T. Ramesh, and J.M. Calabrese. Mitigating pseudoreplication and bias in resource selection functions with autocorrelation-informed weighting. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14: 643-654. Link | PDF | Data + Code

Alston, J.M., D.A. Keinath, C.K.R. Willis, C.L. Lausen, J.M. O’Keefe, J.D. Tyburec, H.G. Broders, P.R. Moosman, T.C. Carter, C.L. Chambers, E.H. Gillam, K. Geluso, T.J Weller, D.W. Burles, Q.E. Fletcher, K.J.O. Norquay, and J.R. Goheen. Environmental drivers of body size in North American bats. Functional Ecology 37:1020-1032. Link | PDF | Data + Code

Lujan, Ema*, Ryen Nielsen*, Zoe Short, Samuel Wicks, Wilson Nderitu Watetu, Leo M. Khasoha, Todd M. Palmer, Jacob R. Goheen, and Jesse M. Alston. Symbiotic acacia ants drive nesting behavior by birds in an African savanna. Biotropica 55:1101-1104. Link | Data + Code

Wells, H.B.M., R.D. Crego, J.M. Alston, S.K. Ndung’u, L.M. Khasoha, C.G. Reed, A.A. Hassan, S. Kurukura, J. Ekadeli, M. Namoni, T.R. Kartzinel, T.M. Palmer, R.M. Pringle, J.R. Goheen, P.S. Stewart, D.M. Kimuyu, A.A. Wolf, and T.P. Young. Wild herbivores enhance resistance to invasion by exotic cacti in an African savanna. Journal of Ecology 111:33-44. Link | PDF


Alston, J.M., M.E. Dillon, D.A. Keinath, I.M. Abernethy, and J.R. Goheen. Daily torpor reduces the energetic consequences of microhabitat selection for a widespread bat. Ecology 103: e3677. Link | PDF | Data + Code

Alston, J.M.*, C.G. Reed*, L.M. Khasoha, B.R.P. Brown, G. Busienei, N. Carlson, T.C. Coverdale, M. Dudenhoeffer, M.A. Dyck, J. Ekeno, A.A. Hassan, R. Hohbein, R.P. Jakopak, B. Kimiti, S. Kurukura, P. Lokeny, A.M. Louthan, S. Musila, P.M. Musili, T. Tindall, S. Weiner, T.R. Kartzinel, T.M. Palmer, R.M. Pringle, and J.R. Goheen. Ecological consequences of large herbivore exclusion in an African savanna: 12 years of data from the UHURU experiment. Ecology 103: e3649. Link | Data

Kays, R., Cove, M.V., 144 others including J.M. Alston, and W.J. McShea. SNAPSHOT USA 2020: a second coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ecology 103: e3775. Link

Silva, I., C.H. Fleming, M.J. Noonan, J.M. Alston, C. Folta, W.F. Fagan, and J.M. Calabrese. Autocorrelation-informed home range estimation: a review and practical guide. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 13: 534-544. Link | PDF | Data + Code


Alston, J.M.*, and J.A. Rick*. A beginner’s guide to conducting reproducible research. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 102: e01801. Link | PDF

Cove, M.V., R. Kays, 149 co-authors including J.M. Alston, and W.J. McShea. SNAPSHOT USA: the first coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States – data from 2019. Ecology 102: e03353. Link

Wells, H.B.M., R.D. Crego, Ø.H. Opedal, L.M. Khasoha, J.M. Alston, C.G. Reed, S. Weiner, S. Kurukura, A.A. Hassan, M. Namoni, J. Ekadeli, D.M. Kimuyu, T.P. Young, T.R. Kartzinel, T.M. Palmer, R.M. Pringle, and J.R. Goheen. Experimental evidence that effects of megaherbivores on mesoherbivore space use are influenced by species’ traits. Journal of Animal Ecology 90: 2510-2522. Link | PDF | Data + Code


Alston, J.M., M.J. Joyce, J.A. Merkle, and R.A. Moen. Temperature shapes movement and habitat selection of a heat-sensitive ungulate. Landscape Ecology 35: 1961-1973. Link | PDF | Data + Code


Alston, J.M. Open access principles and practices benefit conservation. Conservation Letters 12: e12672. Link | PDF

Alston, J.M., I.M. Abernethy, D.A. Keinath, and J.R. Goheen. Roost selection by male northern long-eared bats (Myotis septentrionalis) in a managed fire-adapted forest. Forest Ecology and Management 446: 251-256. Link | PDF | Data + Code

Alston, J.M., B.M. Maitland, B.T. Brito, S. Esmaeili, A.T. Ford, B.R. Hays, B.R. Jesmer, F. Molina, and J.R. Goheen. Reciprocity in restoration ecology: when might large carnivore reintroduction restore ecosystems? Biological Conservation 234: 82-89. Link | PDF


Alston, J.M., J.E. Millard, J.A. Rick., B.W. Husby, and L.A. Mundy. Observations of notable Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) parental behaviours. Canadian Field-Naturalist 131(3): 225-227. Link | PDF